State survey  

Adopting theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of the State Survey and its importance for basic geodetic works at the state level (Croatia) and / or more states (region, continent) Students will: - To master the method of calculation of the parameters of level-ellipsoid as a basic mathematical-physical body in geodesy and basic mathematical relations of ellipsoidal geodesy and their application in everyday geodetic surveys, - To master the process of conversion of geodetic or ellipsoidal coordinates in the plane mapping and vice versa, and adopt necessary knowledge about inherited (positional HDKS, height Trieste 1875) and the new official (positional HTRS96, height HVRS71) geodetic reference systems and datums in Croatia, as well as master the process of their mutual transformation, - Adopt the necessary knowledge of the methods of calculating the main surveying tasks on a rotational ellipsoid and the reduction of measured values (azimuths, directions and lengths) from the physical surface of the Earth to the surface of the ellipsoid, - Become familiar with the height systems in geodesy and mutual transformations between them as well as with leveling in the real Earth's gravity field and its application in basic geodetic works, - Acquire knowledge and mathematical procedures of coordinate transformations in the State survey, including "GNSS leveling" and T7D grid transformation for the territory of Croatia.
State survey

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